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Healing Is Easy
Drugs, Pain, And Surgeries Are Hard!
Living Strong To 120 Years Is Possible
1. Listen to The Greatest Health Lecture Of All Time by Dr. Joe Wallach B.S., DVM, N.D. (See Link Below). Meet the doctor drug companies hate.
2. Watch Dr. Wallach's Documentary : Just who is this Doctor? He sued the FDA and won? The Father of Epigenetics? Became a doctor because "Mainstream Doctor's" were not interested in, and would not look at simple healing science solutions? (See Link Below)
3. Take FREE The Health Evaluation (See Link Below). This will identify your unique nutritional deficiencies and show you exactly how to help your body to heal itself.
Give me a call or text me after you have completed the three steps above and I will show you how to get started. It's easy.
Scott Common, Health Coach
Las Vegas, NV. (702) 300-6256
Call / Text / Leave Msg.
*I schedule telephone and in-home FREE Post Health Evaluation consultations to show my clients exactly which Dr. Wallach approved product protocols to use for their particular nutritional deficiencies (as identified with our FREE Health Evaluation). I provide daily and weekly (for the first few months) accountability Health Coaching to all clients in order to ensure ease of transition and success.
My Background: I've been an Occupational Therapist in Hospitals, Rehabilitation Facilities, Nursing Homes, Long Term Care Facilities, Memory Care Facilities, and Home Healthcare Agencies for 26+ Years.
The only thing that can "heal" the body is "the body itself" because God created it to do just that! If you cut your finger, your body can heal the cut by itself. Your body was created by God to be a healing machine - with an expiration date closer to 120 strong and vital years - before it finally quits.
Gen. 6:3 Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”
Unfortunately, the average age of death in America and around the world is 77 years - 43 YEARS SHORT OF GOOD AND FUNCTIONAL HUMAN POTENTIAL.
American's families are starving nutritionally and they don't even know it. Modern "Whole Food" is so utterly deficient in actual nutrient value (from burned out / over-used soil) as to limit human life to around 75 to 80 years maximum on average. And the last 10 to 20 years are usually survived with a great amount of bodily dysfunction, chronic pain, suffering and financial loss (which I have personally witnessed as an Occupational Therapist over the past 26 years: I have seen the unpleasant results of our broken healthcare / health span model.)
If you want to STOP THE INSANITY of the above scenario playing out in your body and life all you have to do... IS TO DO EXACTLY what Dr. Joe Wallach suggests for YOUR particular nutrient deficiencies. Which begs the question: "What are my unique nutritional deficiencies?"
Glad you asked! Go to the next step.
NEXT STEP: Take the Free Health Evaluation and when you have completed it, you will receive Dr. Wallach's protocols for free - via email. Call me anytime. I look forward to serving you and your family for years to come - as each of you begin the daily lifestyle plan to extend your Health Life Span closer to 100 to 120 years - without drugs, surgeries, and endless hospital and doctor visits and co-pays.
The choice is now yours.
God Bless

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